The Phoenix Chronicles
$21.95 (paperback only) - The three books of The Phoenix Chronicles in one volume, with fewer illustrations and without the author's commentary included in The Gospel of the Phoenix. 454 pages
$12.95 paperback, $4.95 ebook - The Osiris Testament completes the Phoenix Chronicles trilogy begun with The Gospel of the Phoenix and continued with The Way of the Phoenix. The last installment written, but actually the first in terms of chronology, The Osiris Testament is a poetic look at humanity's creation and the development of Western mythic tradition from a new perspective. Just as The Gospel of the Phoenix sets forth a new version of Jesus' life and The Way of the Phoenix offers a collection of new, original parables and proverbs, The Osiris Testament draws from Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Hebrew, Egyptian, Norse, Greek and Celtic sources (among others) to weave a new narrative corresponding loosely to the Pentateuch. As with its companion volumes, this work is for those who enjoy the works of Kahlil Gibran and Robert Graves, and students of the interplay between myth and ancient history. 228 pages
$12.95 paperback, $4.95 ebook - The Way of the Phoenix is a companion volume to The Gospel of the Phoenix. As the latter book explored the life of Jesus from a new perspective, this work uses the style of wisdom literature to offer insights into life, ethics and meaning. "The Way of the Phoenix" is divided into two sections. The first is a series of tales modeled after the parables of Jesus, the fables of Aesop, the stories of Hans Christian Andersen and others. The second is a series of teachings in the style of proverbs, sayings and aphorisms, grouped according to subject matter. All the material here is original, but the subjects are familiar. The Way of the Phoenix is a work in the tradition of Kahlil Gibran, Paul Coelho and others who have used the language of legend and fable to tell new stories based on timeless truths. 174 pages
$12.95 paperback, $4.95 ebook - The Gospel of the Phoenix tells the story of Jesus’ life, in biblical style, as never before. Fans of Kahlil Gibran and students of history alike will enjoy this the story of a Jewish teacher trained in Egyptian healing and mysticism who set about spreading a gospel of humility, servanthood and renewal. His mission? To reveal the hidden kingdom of heaven that is both within and all around us. His method? Retracing the footsteps of his heavenly father, the Egyptian god Osiris, and honoring his divine mother while immersing his followers in the way of forgiveness, humility and wisdom. 228 pages
$18.95 paperback, $5.95 ebook - 437 pages
$18.95 paperback, $5.95 ebook - 454 pages
Who was Jesus? It is a question that has been asked and answered many times and in many ways throughout history. But in order to even begin addressing this question, the person of Jesus must be placed in historical and mythical context. Once this is done, some truly shocking answers emerge. Here is a man who was intent upon establishing the kingdom of God on earth in his own lifetime, a revolutionary leader with training in the mystical traditions of Egypt who would settle for nothing less than following in the footsteps of King Solomon, the pharaohs and the gods themselves. Journey back to the Garden of Eden, then forward with Gilgamesh and to the mystical isle of Dilmun, with Jason and his crew on the Argo, with Mary Magdalene to the garden tomb and with Arthur's knights in search of the Holy Grail. Much of what you uncover along the way will be surprising; some things may even be disturbing. Those who enjoyed Sir James Frazer's Golden Bough will find much of interest in the tapestry of myth, political intrigue and pagan ritual woven together in The Phoenix Principle.
$12.95 paperback, $4.95 ebook - Undefeated is a collection of stories about individuals who have triumphed in the face of prejudice. Dismissed because of their religion, demeaned because of their gender, or persecuted for their race, these are individuals from a variety of backgrounds. A Christian in one nation's majority may be persecuted in another land. The same applies to a Jew or a Pagan. What of the atheist and transgender individuals? Their stories are drawn from past and present, from the realms of history, sports and politics. They show that bigotry, a false attitude based on false distinctions, in reality knows no bounds ... but neither does the human spirit. Join the author on a journey through a diverse spectrum of stories that spotlight our shared humanity and celebrate the courage of women and men who sought to defend it. 313 pages
$11.95 paperback, $4.95 ebook - The debate between the theist and the atheist dates back millennia. Yet the crucial question involves not the existence of deity, but what kind of deity might exist. Can we eliminate certain options and leave ourselves free to explore others? Requiem for a Phantom God argues that we can. Any consideration of the divine should rule out what C.S. Lewis termed "nonsense." Self-contradictory portraits of God are not only meaningless, but they have the potential to do great harm - and they have over the course of human history. Requiem for a Phantom God serves as an epitaph for just such a god of nonsense. It identifies the core philosophical problem: the desire of humanity to believe in an all-powerful deity who is at, at the same time, entirely "good." This desire, however, is destined to remain unfulfilled, because these two concepts cannot be reconciled. Once humanity realizes this, we can choose the kind of god we wish to believe in: immanent or transcendent ... if, indeed, we wish to put our faith in a god at all. Requiem discusses the abuses and pitfalls of faith, and whether it is possible to speak of a faith that is not blind. It addresses modern and historical examples of religious abuse and suggests they tell us about the doctrines that support them. 196 pages
$4.95 paperback, 99 cents ebook - Time does not exist. It’s not something we can possess, but an artificial construct that we use to measure change. All that really exists is a single moment called “now.” Once we understand this, we gain a new understanding of how we view ourselves and, in turn, more vivid awareness of everything around us.
This awareness can shape how we deal with blame, regret and guilt about the past, and worries or fears about the future. It can influence how relate to others, how we approach art and athletics, even how we view age. It levels the playing field and means that, in each new moment, we have the ability to make something entirely new and wondrous happen in this Timeless Now. 72 pages.